Business Coach For You

Business Coach For You

Make More Profit With Business Coaching

How to Communicate the value of your business services

If you constantly find yourself talking to potential customers who don’t appreciate the value of what your business can do – it is very likely that they are treating you and your business as a transactional encounter. You are convenient, low priced and most of all – dispensable. A transactional type business is focused on the next customer, the one after that and the next one thereafter. If you and your business however take the long terms view, you cannot keep offering the most convenient service at the lowest price at all times. You must grow to become confident in knowing that your business is not for everyone and that this is good for both yourself and the people you engage with. Instead, focus on redering your competition irrrelevant by being different, by being indispensible.

As a successful business owner, we need to clearly understand the range of problems affecting your clients. What issues worry them, what inconveniences do they deal with? What effects do these inconveniences have on their business and on their private lives? To be the indispensible business partner rather than a transitional cheap service provider, you must understand your customers cost of not taking action. Ask smart questions and listen closely to your clients. Listen in on their social media groups – hear what they say and what they do not express.

If you manage to understand the particluar situation your client finds itself in, you can build a business relationship cristallizing your unique, indispensible value to any client.